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Moving to a new home can be Exhausting

Moving to a new home can be exhausting. Not only do you have to ensure items are packed properly, labeled and not broken in the move, but you’ll need to alert various people and businesses of your new move and have them update your address. Use these tips to make the process simpler.

Create a List

Lists are always great – holds you accountable. Before you move, create a list of all the people and businesses you need to notify of your move. A list allows you to keep track of your progress and you can use it as a check off list for future moves.

Divide the list into family and friends, utility companies, financial institutions, and subscriptions, like magazines, food services and other tools. Under each list sublist it, to help you stay organized.

Simply set out all your bills on a table and write down their information. You want their main contact information on your list. This way you’ll have the phone numbers ready when it’s time to call. And you can update your list as they call back or what you speak about when they call. ONE SPOT for all your communication.

Once you have this list created your next step is to forward you address online.

Go to USPS.com/move to change your address online. (there is a $1 charge to change your address). Also, ask them for their movers guide.

Other places that need to be on your list is:

Financial Institutions would include:

  • Banks or credit unions
  • Credit card companies
  • Insurance agent
  • Investment company
  • Brokerage companies

Your list should also include government offices:

  • License bureau
  • Social Security
  • IRS

You’ll want to include a list of professionals:

  • Doctor
  • Dentist
  • Lawyer
  • Tax advisor

Subscriptions would consist of:

  • Newspapers
  • Magazines
  • Online order programs

Family and Friends – use a big event or a holidays to update your friends and family of your new move. It will also be a great way to update family and friends on your growing family and fun lifestyle. People get excited when they get mail in their mailbox that is NOT a bill.

A month before you move out. You will want to start planning for your new move. After you make all the necessary calls to inform businesses of a change of your new address, you will want to also, fill out the change of address form on each bill. Many bills have a section or a place to mark if you have a new address. Do this when you pay your FINAL bill. We have see many new residents who have an outstanding balance for under $200 from an unpaid utility bill that they are not even aware of.

And be sure to register to vote at your new address.

Don’t let the process of moving and notifying people and agencies of your move get you down and out. You can make it easier to notify friends, family, and businesses by utilizing this list. Mark off each person and entity as you notify them to keep better track of who has the new address.